Methods to Be the Best in 2022 — With Successful Working Methodology

Savan Koradia
6 min readDec 6, 2021

We do face lots of situations every day. We all have to learn with experience.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Who does not want to be the person:

  • Whose example is given to others?
  • Who is ahead of others?
  • Who gets all stardom and cheers?
  • Who is the Best in their job?

If the answer is yes to any of the above questions is YES, then you have already joined the race :).

We do face lots of situations every day. But what we miss is a lack of confidence and process of execution. Such knowledge is not taught or explained in the study. so, we all have to learn with experience. But the internet has done a great job of bringing everyone together and everyone can share the knowledge & get benefited.

The different working style and attitude of everyone makes tasks easier or harder.

Then how to deal with such a situation? OH, better! How to avoid or minimize such a situation from happening at all? Below are the points and items which I have experience in my professional career, which have affected my life at every level.

3 Common traits affect us daily

1. Missinterpreration of time management

This is a very common issue among few people. Some just think of 9 AM to 5 PM working as a time management skill. If they just start and end at the company’s specific time, they think they have managed their time properly. This kind of concept is found in those people, who do not care about their effectiveness, performance of the whole team in front of the client.

The issue with time management happens when we misjudge the task assigned to us. It is a common concept that the person who is assigning you a task has the responsibility of doing time management for us. We generally don’t ask the question of timeline and specifically, when multiple tasks assigned we do not ask for priority.

2. Always say yes to everything thrown to us

What makes our life so miserable is saying YES to everything. I have seen that person say Yes to everything because he thinks, denying might cost him many other issues like job loss, no increments. If you keep accepting all tasks every time without any timeline checks or priority arrangements, the result could be a disaster.

3. Keep things to self until asked

I have also seen this issue with some people, who think his manager and the team having an idea about issues and blockers of his task since they have assigned that task to me. And at the end, we don’t share the important detail, such detail might save big time and efforts of the team and company. General items not shared on time are:

  • I can not complete few tasks because of a tight timeline.
  • I have some points which are blockers and I need help.
  • I have no clear idea of steps to follow to complete the task.

4 Improvements

1. Raise your point

Whenever you have something important, it is OK and Better to share it with everyone. Let’s not focus if anyone would listen to it or not. In my experience, I met some manager people, who appreciated my opinion but some people always ignored me. But I felt good when I share my opinion. Because it shows two plus points: 1. I’m being active in teamwork, 2. I can show the proof when ignored opinion is the solution of any escalated issue.

2. Time management

We can find many topics around this. All you have to do is identify the time for each task assigned to you. If you don’t know about time and priority, ask your manager. In my opinion, you always should be aware of your timeline and schedule for the next 1 week. Especially if you are involved in a job where you have multiple projects are assigned, the topic will be the best solution to your issues.

3. Learn to say NO

When you say yes to everything to avoid job or salary issues. In here, we are going to say NO in a hard way to your manager. But instead, you need to put your point in a way that the manager has to decide the alternative solution. If you start following time management, you would be easily able to find out what does not fit your schedule. If your manager instructs you to give it a priority then raise your point about your busy schedule and manageable task in a given timeframe.

4. Keep informed

This is also an important part of your daily work. Until you say anything everyone will assume you are on track and there are no issues. Also, it does not matter if it is related to only one issue. If you need to switch to another task or need help from another person or you feel that your task would be blocked if a particular task is not completed by a particular person. Also, you can raise the delay and its bad outcome if you don’t receive any response from the dependent party. This way especially your manager will see that you are active and you know in which direction your task is going on with its impact.


Let’s take the example of Kurt, a software developer with a good-paying job. He is not just 9 to 5 job worker, who is enthusiastic about his work and customer satisfaction. Because of his skill set, he is included in two projects at the same time. And the project manager of one project is not co-operative. That manager thinks since Kurt is a developer he should be working however I say and needs to butter polish me. But Kurt is well aware of his part and steps to follow. When that manager assigned him some random priority task he added it to his list and asked about the priority.

The manager replied with priority status, all are important to Kurt. Now, Kurt opens his calendar and adds the time for each task in the timetable. Kurt finds that this week he has some bandwidth to handle few tasks, but one task is not able to fit in this week’s calendar. Since the manager mentioned all tasks are in priority he opens a thread of discussion with the manager asking about tasks to prioritize or else he will postpone for next week. Now, the manager asks him to switch to this new task. Kurt explains how much it is done and why it is important to complete it on time to avoid any other impact on the next issues. If the manager keeps pushing him to start on another task, despite the fact that, Kurt has no bandwidth. Kurt explains few things in a group about possible issues he might see if something is not attended to. This is called, raising the point, even if the manager does not listen to him.

Hint: How to define a timeline for your task

The very general approach Kurt follows is, he divides all tasks in 3 parts:

  • Priority A
    - It includes the list of tasks, which are most important and must be done today.
    - And any delay must not be done.
  • Priority B
    - This task is normal but is important.
    - It is ok to get this task completed today
  • Priority C
    - It includes the list of tasks, which are not important and can be done later whenever he has time.

After filling the blanks in above Kurt will have list of items and its time frame for all tasks he has.



SFCC Solution Architect, Mentor. I write about technical learning, improvements, work culture, mentoring.